Sunday, November 23, 2014



February 2013. About this time, I run my first program. It was a Java program, of course, because it was the only programming language I was trying to learn at this time, in preparation for my going back to school.

I was using the public library computers. Since the public library does not allow downloading anything into their computers, I used an online compiler to compile my programs.

I actually compiled a lot of Java programs, because I was just learning to be a programmer. I was using the compiler to know if I really know what I have just learned about Java from reading the public library books.

I wrote the programs all by myself without the aid of the Java books I was learning from, because there was not enough room to put them in the library's Computer Room. There were 20 computers, and everyone of them is almost always being used in that small room.

One of my earliest Java program is still accessible in the online compiler website. I have written my name on the program as shown here:

     This is a documentation of my first program.
     It will display the copyright of the program.

class cdocumentation {
     public static void main(String args[]) {
          System.out.print("\tThis program is written by John Sindayen.\n");
          int vyear = 2013;
          System.out.println("\t\t\t\bCopyright " + vyear);
This is the end of the program.

During this early period, I have already shown some good programming practices. Here are some:
a. Documentation
b. Use of indentations and spaces

Some good programming practices that needed to be applied in this early program are these:
a. Uppercase first letter for a Java class name.
b. Conventionally, array brackets should be placed beside the String data type.
c. Ending braces should be in different lines to make it more readable.

Finally, here are some of the prolific programmers who has invented their own programming language, or otherwise known for something famous.

John Backus created ForTran, short for Formula Translation, a scientific programming language.
Alan Cooper created Visual Basic programming language.
Brad Cox created Objective-C object oriented programming language.
Brendan Eich created JavaScript web scripting language.
James Gosling created Java, the first pure object oriented programming language.
Grace Hopper created COBOL, short for Common Business Oriented Language, a business programming language. She became a U.S. Navy admiral.
Toru Iwatani created the Pac-Man game.
Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP client-server based web scripting language.
Ada Lovelace is the first known programmer.  She programmed Charles Babbage's mechanical computer. She is otherwise known as the Countess of Lovelace.
Yukihiro Matsumoto created Ruby object oriented programming language.
Markus Persson created the Minecraft game.
Dennis Ritchie created C, the ancestor of many modern programming languages.
Guido van Rossum created Python, an all object type programming language.
Bjarne Stroustrup created C++, the first language to implement object oriented programming.
Linus Torvalds created Linux open source operating system.
Niklaus Wirth created Pascal procedural programming language.

Welcome to the club!

John Sindayen


1 comment:

  1. One of my earliest Java program is still accessible in the online compiler website.Useful in Online Java Course

    Java Online Training
