Saturday, January 3, 2015



January 2014. My course in Advanced C++ just began. And my tutoring programming job starts first week of next month.

I am excited to finally study and learn what pointers are all about. I have heard from some programming students, in person and on the web, that it was the most difficult part of C++ to understand. And I am keen on learning what the fuzz was all about.

As it turned out, pointers are not all that hard. You just need to follow its definition, strictly. That is the key to learning pointers.

At this time, I have also been reading the online job postings for programmers. And there were many advertisements looking for C# programmers. So I wanted to learn C# also, sometime, after I have taken Advanced C++.

Beginning C# had begun to be offered in the college I was going to about this time, but I heard it was cancelled for lack of students. Beginning C# class is not part of my major, because I already have the three programming languages that is required for my major: Java, C++, and Visual Basic.

Here is a sample program using Visual Studio 2013 IDE. All these namespaces were automatically part of the directives.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            (new Program()).printMessage();
        void printMessage()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to 2015!");

There is a new feature to this website starting this year, Check Your Knowledge, or CYK.

What company invented C#?
C# was invented to directly compete with what programming language?
What is a step by step instruction?

Welcome to 2015!

John Sindayen

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