Saturday, February 14, 2015



December 2014. I come in full circle on this month in learning all the programming and web development languages enumerated in the subheading of this blog: C, C++, C#, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, SQL, and VB.NET.

Upon familiarizing myself with all these languages, I was now prepared to send in my resume and apply for a programming job. So I requested the college I was tutoring in to schedule me only for the Saturday tutoring hours, instead of weekdays, in the next semester. But I also made myself available for college tutoring during the weekdays by appointment only. By appointment tutoring has flexible hours, so I can schedule them in the morning when job interviews were unlikely to be held.

Returning back to the present day, my Advanced Java course assignment involves creating Javadoc comments for a class definition to avail user programmers to use them in their own program.

Javadoc comments are extricated by the JVM utility called javadoc.exe to generate an HTML code describing the contract you made to the user of the class definition. Supposing you have a Java file named Soldier, the following will generate your HTML from the command prompt:


How do you display the HTML code? Instantiate a web browser and use the following syntax in the URL bar:


Here is the HTML page generated by javadoc.

What makes a comment a Javadoc comment?
What is the character code to display a Valentine heart?
What data type is used for the smallest and largest integer the computer platform can hold?

Happy Valentine's Day!

John Sindayen


1 comment:

  1. JAVADOC are as said here Upon familiarizing myself with all these languages, I was now prepared to send in my resume and apply for a programming job in Online Java Course

    Java Online Training
