May 2013. About this time I met a university C++ programming student in the university library I have been visiting. I found out from him that the kid's game Minecraft was written in Java, when he mentioned it to me.
He was a Computer Science major and he told me he wanted to be an expert in C++ because it was the best language in the world. That got me to thinking I should learn C++ also after learning Java. And that's how I chose C++ to be my second language, rather than the other option of C or Visual Basic.
Here's a C++ program I wrote 8 months after that meeting. I was working as a programming tutor in the college I was attending after my professor asked me to tutor. He actually asked me to be a tutor after taking his Beginning Java class, but I was too busy with my own full-time classes, to get around to applying for the position.
I used this C++ program to tutor a Beginning C++ student who wanted to know what's really happening inside a C++ program.
Program that prints bill receipt for customer with
amount of purchase
amount of tax
amount of total bill.
Output: print total bill.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Start program.
int main()
//Declare variables.
double purchaseAmount;
double tax;
double totalBill;
//Ask user.
cout << "Enter amount of purchase: $";
//Input statement.
cin >> purchaseAmount;
//Calculate tax.
tax = purchaseAmount * 0.20;
//Calculate total bill.
totalBill = purchaseAmount + tax;
//Output statement.
cout << "\nTotal Bill: " << "$"
<< setprecision(2) << fixed << totalBill;
return 0;
//End program.
Happy computing!
John Sindayen
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