Monday, December 29, 2014



November 2013. About this time, I am learning a lot about C++, Visual Basic.NET, computer security, and about American History from the Reconstruction Period to the 1960's.
Also, I have received a recorded message from the Tutorial Services about filling in my application as programming tutor. But as I was so busy learning programming and writing my own programs, I decided to start with that tutoring job next semester instead, when I will be taking only a few courses.

I also saw a job advertisement posted in the college campus for JavaScript programmers. So I decided to learn more about it, in my own time.
JavaScript is king of the client-side scripting languages. It has no competition. VBScript used to be competitive as a client-side scripting language, but it was only supported by one web browser, Microsoft's own Internet Explorer.

Learning JavaScript is not just about learning programming in JavaScript. It is also about learning HTML elements, because HTML elements are also used inside a JavaScript program.
The following code shows how JavaScript can make an HTML document dynamic, rather than plain static.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript Greetings</title>
<p>Push this button to see the messages.</p>
<button id="clickMe">CLICK ME</button>

clickMe.onclick = greetings;

function greetings() {
alert("Hello JavaScript!");
alert("Merry Christmas!");
alert("Happy New Year!");


Merry Xmas!

John Sindayen


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